Straight Talk with NDFB
All things agricultural for those who want to gain a competitive edge for their farm or ranch. Listen as hosts Emmery Mehlhoff gets insight from industry experts who will provide problem-solving tools for your farm and ranch. No spin, just straight talk.
Straight Talk with NDFB
Transform your farm with systems and live the life you want to live
Are you stuck working "in" your farm and not "on" it? Is your ranch serving you or are you serving your ranch? For the last 40 years, EMyth has been helping business owners transform their businesses to avoid burnout or failure. You don't want to miss this special episode with Tricia Huebner, VP and Head of Coaching at EMyth. Tricia shares her entrepreneurial insights from two decades of coaching.
If you are interested in coming back to the farm, taking over the farm, or simply setting your farm up for success to live a life you enjoy -- listen in! In this episode you will learn:
- The myth of the "Entrepreneur"
- The role of the technician, manager, and entrepreneur
- How to create a 3-year vision for your operation
- Create systems for your farm or ranch so you can live the life you want to live
Listen and subscribe to Straight Talk NDFB on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and anywhere you can find podcasts.
Special resources for our Straight Talk Listeners!
The EMyth Revisited: Chapter 1
Free 1-hour EMyth coaching session
Build systems for your business
Blog: How to stop feeling overwhelmed and get control of your business
Time Management Handbook
More Free EMyth resources
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